Saturday, June 5, 2010

Referee Zoff: DFB determined against Cottbus

Cottbus - Now there is a sequel to the publicly expressed complaint by Energie Cottbus on the referee in the match against Bochum>.
Referee Markus Schmidt, after the recent 2-3 defeat derLausitzer written in the Bundesliga with VfL Bochum einenSonderbericht. The DFB-Control einErmittlungsverfahren opened.
Up until this Friday to sichManager Steffen Heidrich and coach Huub Stevens to Vorwürfenerklären. "It is said a lot of excitement out of the first worden.Jeder it has already seen on TV. The barrel was just too full," sagteHeidrich.
According to information from "kicker" to Schmidt in seinemBericht claim to be from attackiertworden Heidrich Prasnikar and verbal.
The defendants deny das. "It was not directed against each person," said Heidrich.
The German Football Federation (DFB) has power over the investigation now informed.
 Heidrich had raged after the final whistle in Bochum: "We are just a sucker. Such an impertinence. This is a scandal."
The reaction was still "absolutely understandable," said the manager, "We are currently on track, since such decisions umsobitterer."
   For energy-President Ulrich Lepsch is the Referee's report "to the absolute summit" after the events of Bochum. "Wäregewesen size, if he had acknowledged his mistake," said Lepsch.
The allegations at issue: Referee Schmidt is given according to energy, Bochum, in the final phase einenunberechtigten Penalty Raised, but have an energy berechtigtenStrafstoß denied.
"If he whistles always so, it is better if it was not our whistles," said Lepsch with regard aufandere negative experience with Schmidt.