Thursday, June 17, 2010

"The chemistry is just right with Bobadilla"

Mönchengladbach -
With five goals Roberto Colautti Borussia's best attackers. The EXPRESS-interview with the striker.
As you can see in retrospect it 2-2 in Hoffenheim? I am sad about the two points lost because we played well.
Why did the 2-0 shot the ball into the goal, although the were so went in? "As you'd only striker on the ball and not thinking long about it, if you stand offside or not. I was tuned as close as I had to just shoot the ball into the goal.
Raúl and you still remain friends, although she stole the Gate "have? Sure, we understand both ourselves better and better. It is normal that no one is evil, end up where the other one hit can. It is important for us as team to be successful, the scorer is of secondary importance. So it can go on like this with the Argentine duo.
What makes this duo? The chemistry between us is just right. We get on really well and harmonize well on the pitch. Our football philosophy is very similar. You can feel it and also reflected on the field.
Your contract runs out ... I have signed anywhere else, it all depends on Borussia. I'll wait until somebody comes to me. But still I am relaxed. The conditions are optimal in Gladbach and I feel comfortable here.
So you close an stay with Borussia not No, of course not?. But first it is necessary to complete the remaining games. In which I will do in any event all for Gladbach.