Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Betriebsratsverseucht is" word of the year 2009

The "bad bank" from 2008 are history, the "word of the year" 2009 "means betriebsratsverseucht.
An employee of a hardware store chain have mentioned the term in the ARD, told the speaker of language criticism Action, Horst Dieter Schlosser. Then the word of department heads will be used if colleagues wanted to switch from a branch with works in one without.
"The perception of workers' interests" disturb "While many companies to label them as" disease ", while at least one language in dealing with low wage workers," said Schlosser.
The six-unmentionable jurors also criticized by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wording used "refugee control" as "dramatic linguistic mistake." The complaint was the third word of "smart weapon systems," because to hide behind this seemingly innocuous name only technologically advanced ammunition types.
At the 19th Election of the "word of the year" participated in 2018 respondents. They made 982 different proposals. Most frequently brought the term "Growth Acceleration Act" ..
The history of the "word of the year" since 1991 in the overview:
All Unwörter since 1991. HERE durchklickenl
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The word of the year 1991 was ...
The taboo word in 1992 was ...
    Ethnic cleansing
The taboo word in 1993 was ...
In 1994 was called the word of the year ...
The word of the year 1995 was ...
    Diet adaptation
In 1996 'the word of the year ...
    Older glut
In 1997 was elected the non-word ...
    Prosperity Waste
The taboo word in 1998 was ...
    socially Frühableben
In 1999, following taboo word was chosen ...
    Collateral damage
The first taboo word in the new millennium was ...
nationally liberated zone
In 2001 was the unmentionable
    God Warrior
The word of the year 2002 was ...
In 2003, the word of the year was voted ...
    Offender People
The word of the year 2004 was ...
    Human capital
In 2005 was the word of the year ...
    Dismissal productivity
In the year 2006 was the word of the year ...
    voluntary departure
The word of the year 2007 was ...
The word of the year 2008 was ...
    distressed banks