Thursday, February 18, 2010

SPD wants to base Muentefering as chancellor candidate

Berlin - In the midst of the crisis longs the base of the SPD seems to stability: Over half of the members said in a survey, they would ex-Vice-Chancellor Franz Muentefering for the best candidate for chancellor.
Thus, in the K-issue for the SPD is now listed by Beck, Stone Meier and Münte unexpectedly three possible candidates.
 At least 51 percent of SPD supporters look for the poll by the Forsa institute for the "Berliner Zeitung", the former Vice-Chancellor for the best challenger to Angela Merkel. For Frank-Walter Stein Meier were in 44 percent.
 But SPD leader Beck from incited: the question of Kanzlerkandiaten would "rather between Frank-Walter Stein Meier and I decided," he said. On Sunday evening, he again stressed that he himself was still in the race: "I said goodbye to nothing."
 In addition, Beck said the top candidate must not be automatically be party boss. In the survey, the SPD members talked him out as party leader's confidence: 63 percent believe he should keep his job.
Nearly one third would be a resignation befürworten.Ende September Beck wants to announce the candidate's decision.
 Fully open is whether Muentefering at all for a new job in Berlin is available. Last year he had given up because of the serious illness of his wife, all leadership posts, but remained a member.
Back in March, there should have been preliminary discussions of the SPD head with former party chief of a possible return from Bonn to Berlin. And recently reported to the man with the red scarf now and again to speak.
He only recently became party leader Beck together. Muentefering called for a clear rejection of the Left at the federal level. Beck dismissed the harsh back: "There is no reason for such a claim", the SPD had already decided against a red-red coalition in the federal government.