Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Betriebsratsverseucht is" word of the year 2009

The "bad bank" from 2008 are history, the "word of the year" 2009 "means betriebsratsverseucht.
An employee of a hardware store chain have mentioned the term in the ARD, told the speaker of language criticism Action, Horst Dieter Schlosser. Then the word of department heads will be used if colleagues wanted to switch from a branch with works in one without.
"The perception of workers' interests" disturb "While many companies to label them as" disease ", while at least one language in dealing with low wage workers," said Schlosser.
The six-unmentionable jurors also criticized by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wording used "refugee control" as "dramatic linguistic mistake." The complaint was the third word of "smart weapon systems," because to hide behind this seemingly innocuous name only technologically advanced ammunition types.
At the 19th Election of the "word of the year" participated in 2018 respondents. They made 982 different proposals. Most frequently brought the term "Growth Acceleration Act" ..
The history of the "word of the year" since 1991 in the overview:
All Unwörter since 1991. HERE durchklickenl
Next »
The word of the year 1991 was ...
The taboo word in 1992 was ...
    Ethnic cleansing
The taboo word in 1993 was ...
In 1994 was called the word of the year ...
The word of the year 1995 was ...
    Diet adaptation
In 1996 'the word of the year ...
    Older glut
In 1997 was elected the non-word ...
    Prosperity Waste
The taboo word in 1998 was ...
    socially Frühableben
In 1999, following taboo word was chosen ...
    Collateral damage
The first taboo word in the new millennium was ...
nationally liberated zone
In 2001 was the unmentionable
    God Warrior
The word of the year 2002 was ...
In 2003, the word of the year was voted ...
    Offender People
The word of the year 2004 was ...
    Human capital
In 2005 was the word of the year ...
    Dismissal productivity
In the year 2006 was the word of the year ...
    voluntary departure
The word of the year 2007 was ...
The word of the year 2008 was ...
    distressed banks

Monday, May 24, 2010

Markets: Bad dispute among dawdlers

Bonn - brawl among flea market dealers in the middle of the flea market in the Rhine meadows: In setting up their stalls together by hand operation, two junk dealer - in the morning at half past four. The reason was the dispute over free access to a stand now there is a sequel in court.
It was 3.35 when the clock dealers were already busily engaged in building their booths for the Rheinauen flea market. As Erika T. (name changed) who passed their bags and boxes of junk in her stand near the hatte.Und as Peter S., a trailer pulled by hand across the bridge that leads into the Rheinaue. Not far off, and Peter S. had returned to his stand. But his followers did not pass a constriction S..
What the night in the 16th September 2008 happened then, are about his mid-fifties, the two differ. The version of Erika T.: "He did not come through by two posts. Because it was so difficult, he met with fury to the ground. Then he sat down to my boxes and bags to create. In a high arc, he threw a bag in the Rheinaue. Then he hit me with his clenched fist on the left side of the face. "Income, according to Erika Markets: concussion, severe bruising, broken glasses. She sued Peter S. 3000 € damages and replacement of the glasses makes - again 828 €.
Peter S. said Judge Marcus Linnert the facts as follows: "The things were on the road. I spoke politely to the lady, but she only laughed. I lifted her things up carefully and put them aside. In the last case of flea-Well, I noticed a shadow and made an instinctive defensive move. "He had touched Erika's face," "where is" caused a scratch ".
Judge Linnert led the bickering junk to a settlement. Peter S. will pay 600 € to Erika T.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shooting stands out from our schools!

Dusseldorf - Playing on the playground for children, in the basement store weapons! In NRW are about 160 shooting ranges on the premises of educational institutions.
From shooting clubs who train in the evening there. And now ensures correct scale. On Wednesday, the parliament debated. Tenor: In these times of terrible amok messages away with it! EXPRESS looked at the times ...
Monika Schaefer (53), first champion brother creates. It bangs. Just a few feet above their children during the day, play and learn. For the home of the St. Hubert Protect from Cologne-Kalk is located in the basement of the Green Mountain School.
 There, the train infantry brothers their marksmanship skills. "However, always be 18 clock - outside of school hours," said Monika Schäfer, unlocked during the day for EXPRESS exceptional clubhouse.
The armory is secured with a steel door in the closet is the entire arsenal of the association: six air guns. "For the one does not need weapons permit," says Schaefer.
She takes a gun, aimed at a target. Outside there is a high fence, an alarm system. "No shooter can go to school, no student in the home marksman." Key would have only three people.
Therefore, Monika Schäfer not understand the discussion: It would be a "nonsense" if the club would have to move out here. It is currently happening but nichts.Trotzdem the question: Shooting Ranges in schools, are in day care centers (in Duesseldorf is one example) or in youth in such times - that is compatible?
No, say the NRW-Greens, who brought a question to the State Government set the ball rolling. Green politician Sigrid Beer: "Weapons have no place on a school anything." No, says the police union. GdP CEO Frank Judge: "Respect for the victims of school shooting in Winnenden dictates, in NRW immediately abolish all shooting ranges in these buildings."
Horrified, the CDU-school minister Barbara Sommer. She wants to close down the shooting ranges at the most. When it comes. First of all, they will all shooting ranges centrally erfassen.Heidelore Puttkamer (CDU), vice-head of the Cologne District Group of the Parents NRW also said: "I think something like that in view of the water courses amok lately, for increasingly problematic."
This is what the pupils. Krefeld, yesterday afternoon. The "Vocational College Vera Beckers' (2500 students). Most do not even know that there is a shooting range on the site. "With us? Where is surprised? "The young ladies of class florist. What do they think? Helga (36): "Terrible, because you can just break even fast times - and the end I would not imagine me at all."
Also of Interest
Thus the legal

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Otto is recalling 80,000 clothes dryer

Hamburg - Beware of the glowing fluff! The retail group in Germany, Otto has recalled about 80,000 clothes dryer - acute fire hazard!
The Group offers all customers who own a dryer of the brands "hanseatic" or "Viking", a free on-site repair service.
The units were sold from 1995 to 2006 on the Otto Group's brands, Schwab, Baur and Corso. The affected customers were written, but there was no guarantee yet that really all have been achieved.
In Kondensationstrocknern glowing fluff could cause a fire. This was according to petrol but usually not problematic because alleTeile consist of the dryer usually of flame-retardant material.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Walkway Monkey Skateboard on car

Euskirchen / Kall --
"Monkey" attack in the middle of the Eifel: Still unknown assailants hurled a skateboard from the underpass road in the direction Gemünder Keldenicher road on a moving car.
The windshield shattered, but the driver was unhurt.
The "weapon" probably is evidence of the fugitive offender: It is a striking board covered with monkeys.
Now the police will look for the "monkey-gang", which would have probably wiped out almost a human life. A hiker with dog has been discussed, moreover, directly after the accident at the shocked driver, if she has seen the skaters. In their statements, the launchers could be but not yet convicted.
Now the police are looking for a photograph of the skateboards probably juvenile offenders.
Notes to the police in Schleiden under 02445/8580