Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finally Stops speedster!

Cologne - Irmgard Voigt (69 †) had no chance. The speedster caught them with over 100 km / h, she hurled 50 meters wide. She died at the scene directly. Now ask the residents: "Finally Stops speedster."
The death of the pensioner - he shakes Bilderstöckchen since Maundy Thursday. EXPRESS went in search of clues.
The lines of the terrible accident fading slowly on the pavement. If you look at the drawings, know: This woman died because a speedster in his Mercedes SL (starts at 245 hp at) powerfully accelerated. 50 meters was the 69-year-old flying through the air, even ten yards away lay her bicycle in a front yard.
"Not only the SL driver is known to us. Many people confuse the slate Burger path with a racetrack. In all of his outgoing roads are speed-30 zones, so why not the road itself, "asks resident Claudia Gentges (39) speechless. Nimet Nazik (Calls 36): "This radar equipment must be installed."
Peter Gentges (38) took the gruesome events true acoustic. "I was sitting in the kitchen when I heard the sports exhaust. He was fast approaching. Then the explosion, shortly after a dull impact. "He immediately ran to the street corner, saw the neighbor with twisted limbs in the street.
At the scene of an accident, her husband drew up a cross, a silent witness to the incredible reality. The widower is now waiting that he can finally bury the corpse of his wife seized. Against the 22-year-old death-driver runs a criminal investigation.
Irresponsible lawn also tasted this weekend, a human life. An Opel driver (18) is provided with a polo Rondorf Samstagfrüh in a race, flung against a tree. He died in his wreck.