Friday, April 30, 2010

United States win gold in volleyball and basketball

Beijing - Gold! American basketball players were once again unbeatable. In a thrilling finale, the team superstar Kobe Bryant to beat the world champions Spain with 118:107.
Best Spanish throwers were Rudy Fernandez (22) and Pau Gasol (21). Bronze went to Argentina. The ladies competition was won by dieAmerikanerinnen the day before a final victory over world champions Australia.
The final day of competition in Beijing, gave the U.S. another medal rain. The U.S. volleyball men took the Olympic title. They sat down by 3-1 against Brazil. The victory, the team dedicated their coach Hugh McCutcheon. Whose father was killed in a knife attack in Beijing.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lousy business behind fence

Dusseldorf - Dusseldorf construction: Whether for new houses, the old channels or Wehrhahnlinie - dredged always deliver what it's worth.
Those who have suffered are primarily retailers and restaurateurs who are directly behind the fences. Here are three cases of hardship.
Since 1928, Joerg Mueller-Behrends is' already on pharmacy Schadowplatz. "I have been running the traditional family business for three generations," says the pharmacist, "but in such a severe test of our business has been made before."
Since the corner before the Schadow-Apotheke, a new house is obscured by the venerable Schadow-Apotheke fences and building containers. "We broke off the entire walk-in customers," groans the pharmacist. "And many regular customers even think we would have been demolished with the house next door."
He still takes the misery with humor to call attention to themselves, Behrends-Joerg Mueller has more than 2,000 euros paid to an advertising agency and signs with an additional inscription attached to the fence: "Life is a construction site."
The laughter is finally passed, however Evi Eleftheriadis in her fabric shop at Wehrhahn. Since one years is dug up at her door at the subway tunnels of Wehrhahnlinie. Only two yards from their front door is the huge fence, which takes the view of the business. "The turnover on the remains, and no one can replace me. And my suppliers have to park 200 meters away. Sometimes I drag with my staff until midnight rolls of material into the shop. "Share the fate of six neighboring shops. One gave up already.
Even in the Old Town is where work on the canals that run the business behind the fence mies. On Bolker Stern runs a barrier directly on the terrace of the restaurant "Balthasar". Owner Björn Ristau: "And for that we pay concession. In September, the fence is finally gone - that brings me nothing more. Then the patio season is gone anyway. "

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finally Stops speedster!

Cologne - Irmgard Voigt (69 †) had no chance. The speedster caught them with over 100 km / h, she hurled 50 meters wide. She died at the scene directly. Now ask the residents: "Finally Stops speedster."
The death of the pensioner - he shakes Bilderstöckchen since Maundy Thursday. EXPRESS went in search of clues.
The lines of the terrible accident fading slowly on the pavement. If you look at the drawings, know: This woman died because a speedster in his Mercedes SL (starts at 245 hp at) powerfully accelerated. 50 meters was the 69-year-old flying through the air, even ten yards away lay her bicycle in a front yard.
"Not only the SL driver is known to us. Many people confuse the slate Burger path with a racetrack. In all of his outgoing roads are speed-30 zones, so why not the road itself, "asks resident Claudia Gentges (39) speechless. Nimet Nazik (Calls 36): "This radar equipment must be installed."
Peter Gentges (38) took the gruesome events true acoustic. "I was sitting in the kitchen when I heard the sports exhaust. He was fast approaching. Then the explosion, shortly after a dull impact. "He immediately ran to the street corner, saw the neighbor with twisted limbs in the street.
At the scene of an accident, her husband drew up a cross, a silent witness to the incredible reality. The widower is now waiting that he can finally bury the corpse of his wife seized. Against the 22-year-old death-driver runs a criminal investigation.
Irresponsible lawn also tasted this weekend, a human life. An Opel driver (18) is provided with a polo Rondorf Samstagfrüh in a race, flung against a tree. He died in his wreck.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Assauer will continue to advertise for Veltins

Cheers, Rudy! Even after his attack on the beautiful scene of the crime commissioner Simone Thomalla ex-Schalke-makers should make Assauer beer advertising.
The physical violence in Sylt (EXPRESS reported>) have no consequences for Assauer advertising contract with beer.
"What happened there, belongs to the private sector, Mr Assauer," said marketing director Herbert Veltins Sollich the service sector.
Some time ago, Rudi Assauer the EXPRESS betrayed his best digger tips - click here>
Over the next six weeks beer Rudi is not visible - summer break. This had nothing to do with the events on Sylt.
Assauer advertises since 2003 for the brewery. Together with Thomalla he shot four spots. In recent advertising movies Thomalla was no longer there. Instead it was Hollywood star Bruce Willis on the side of Assauer.
 Read also: Police investigated Assauer> Bruce Willis is Assauer new Thomalla>

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Keke Rosberg Mercedes advises the task

Istanbul - Evil slippers for Nick Heidfeld and Timo Glock, debacle for Mercedes. In addition, Sebastian Vettel (1.) and Nico Rosberg (starts German than 9.) not a good day for the formula.
BMW team boss Mario Theissen said Istanbul to the race, "the last chance out. With double-diffuser (should) as the second-last team to manage change for the better at last. But Heidfeld (11. launch site) manages to not even into the top ten in qualifying, will rausgehauen by seven thousandths of team-mate Robert Kubica and former world champion Fernando Alonso.
Without the 82 additional horsepower of the KERS hybrid system, points are too difficult to get. And Heidfeld's sad anniversary Sieglos moves inexorably näher.Schlechter day also for Glock, stands almost no chance to 13th place. So much the worse, because Toyota-mate Jarno Trulli as surprise fifth shows that speed still lies in the Cologne rocket TF109. Good thing after the fiasco of Monaco, where there were both Toyota in the last row.
Another debacle experienced world champion Lewis Hamilton. The Monaco-Quali crashed flying the Silver Arrow as the 16th Star in the first section out. "What should I do? I gave my best. The team is doing what is possible. We just do not have the right package, "said the Englishman with resignation. Former world champion Keke Rosberg Mercedes had advised the task: "Inexplicably, how can you fall behind. Should focus to next year already. "