Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gordon looks forward to his comeback in Bonn

Dusseldorf - After his open fracture of the arm from the Paderborn game, Gordon Geib burns on his comeback with the Giants.
 Wednesday, decides when the player can build again intervene into the action. Geib will be fully investigated in the clinic in Cologne-Merheim whether the bones are completely healed after the serious injury.
 "I work a lot with our physiotherapist Dieter Happ, and have already made some easy basket litters. However, I must be slowed down a bit, so I'm not too much, "says the 25-year-old. "I hope that soon I am going back to the team."
The Düsseldorf basketball desperately need a healthy captain. "For going to the violations of Gordon and Matthias Goddeck the rest pretty on the gums" says Achim Kuczmann. Therefore, the coach is hoping for a positive outcome.
"For us it would be a dream if Gordon in the away match in Bonn on 21 December once again sit on the bench would be. But I'll take no chances. Gordon is not ready, we'll have to wait until the new year. We will do not risk too much. "
Sunday in Göttingen (20 clock) will be the national team only as moral support there.
"We want the same without him return to winning ways. This is certainly not easy, but the team has the narrow defeat against Frankfurt sheathes good "is Kuczmann optimistisch.Die" giants "desperately need a victory to stay in the playoff field.