Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bonn admits to brutally

Bonn - Now it's like Harry Wildplakatierern deer in the neck: The city of Bonn is rocking their order from the road in 1989.
And that means in many areas over which the powerful had often been annoying Bonner, significant improvements. And for Wildplakatierer, Sprayer, game pisser, bold or aggressive beggars Free drastic penalties. Up to 1,000 Euros may be payable.
The Council will, in his mammoth session of 18 June, the revised Rules of the road decision. In the field order is figured out in parallel to, as planned, for example, the 15 employees even more effective after 18 clock (up to 23 clock) can be used.
Wilde posters under StrafeViele Wildplakatierer the authorities have taken many times with their party promotions on electricity boxes or at bus stops to despair. But legally get at them was rare.
For the posters could be easily removed. So no damage. But soon reaches Clause 4 of the new street order. Organizers, party host, "glue" will be punished if they attach their advertising.
BettelnNervtötendes aggressive and aggressive "Ey, haste mal 'nen euro for me" will no longer be tolerated under Clause 3 of the new road rules in Bonn. So-called "silent begging" is still allowed. The authorities go in the future, but against beggars in the city want the baby in her arms clamoring with compassion.
 Penalties in SperrbezirkBislang were asked prostitutes to checkout only if they are in Sperrbezirk negotiating with suitors or who did their job. In the future, it is also prohibited in Sperrbezirk, "include contact with prostitutes in order to agree a fee for sexual services." Means: Freedom will be punished.
Also of interest
Outdated restrictions

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mobile Phone Radiation to Prevent Alzheimer's?

There is new hope for millions of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease? Medical researchers at the University of South Florida in Tampa have in the scientific journal "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease" (vol. 19, p. 191) now published the surprising results of their study.
And this is like a sensation: Just the often demonized phone radiation to prevent or alleviate an existing Alzheimer's disease, at least - the result of a study with mice.
In healthy animals, the radiation also improved the memory. As the health effects would not be triggered, nor precisely known, write the doctors to Gary Arendash. Nevertheless, they consider their results to humans is relevant.
Scientists at the Alzheimer's Research Center of the University had included nearly 100 mice in their tests. Most of them were "mouse model for Alzheimer's, then genetically modified animals, whose brains are in the typical deposits of beta-amyloid peptide.
The mice were in cages, which were grouped around an antenna. They sent out a standard for mobile telephones electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 918 megahertz - twice a day each for one hours, seven to nine months long. The dose of 0.25 watts per kilogram was in line of those who interact with holding down the phone to his ear to the human brain, the doctors reported.
In young, not yet infected animals were formed - in contrast to normal - during the test no beta-amyloid plaques in the brain, analysis showed. Behavioral tests revealed that her cognitive abilities were intact. In older animals with Alzheimer's disease, the physicians found that they in performance after several months of radiation therapy showed good results as well as completely healthy mice. There were fewer deposits in the brain.
And that was not all, contact the medical healthy, not genetically modified mice from the electromagnetic waves, then cut them off better in memory tests than previously.
It is assumed that the results are also relevant for humans, the researchers emphasize. Possibly would result in a new and effective Alzheimer's therapy. The cause of the effects, however, must be further investigated.
Had previously only demonstrated that the temperature of the brain in Alzheimer's mice in the experimental course, some increase. The temperature rise may support the replacement of harmful deposits, participate in the research.
The increased brain activity of healthy animals, the doctors explain the fact that by radiation, the activity of brain cells would be stimulated, the blood flow and the total energy sales were higher.
The exact mechanisms are still unclear, however, give the researchers argued. That the potential positive effects of mobile phone radiation remained hidden in the memory so far that they could be because there had been no long term studies about this, it is said in the statement of the university.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My ball is in Siegburg

Lilo by Kiesenwetter is not true-Siegburgerin. She was born 52 years ago, namely, in Bonn, on the Mount of Venus. According to the well-known seer Siegburg pulled from the Rhine in 1998, she previously lived in Cologne-Rodenkirchen.
"At the very beginning, people have shown to me and said:" As the witch "is" recalls Lilo in her first weeks in the city on the victory. "It has, however, quickly relatviert." Meanwhile, the mother of two daughters, of course, knows so many of Siegburg. And what you notice: "The people here are really very helpful."
However, the thieves in Siegburg seem to have a taste for garbage cans too. The family of Kiesenwetter has been stolen seven times.
Thanks to Lilo, many celebrities find their way to Siegburg. Because there, in her home, the ball is the scenario. Stars as Ottfried Fischer, Larry Hagman, Kai plum, Udo Walz, Gabi Köster and many more joined her trust, want to know from Siegburg, bringing them in the future.
Also for the Bonn Express, the 52-year-old belt out a regular sight in her ball to predict the trends for our celebrities for the coming year.
And what did it: Whether has Omaschaft of Bonn Mayor Bärbel Dieckmann, the wedding of Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers and the offspring of Verpoorten - Lilo from Kiesenwetter always right.
The homepage of Lilo from Kiesenwetter be found HERE.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gordon looks forward to his comeback in Bonn

Dusseldorf - After his open fracture of the arm from the Paderborn game, Gordon Geib burns on his comeback with the Giants.
 Wednesday, decides when the player can build again intervene into the action. Geib will be fully investigated in the clinic in Cologne-Merheim whether the bones are completely healed after the serious injury.
 "I work a lot with our physiotherapist Dieter Happ, and have already made some easy basket litters. However, I must be slowed down a bit, so I'm not too much, "says the 25-year-old. "I hope that soon I am going back to the team."
The Düsseldorf basketball desperately need a healthy captain. "For going to the violations of Gordon and Matthias Goddeck the rest pretty on the gums" says Achim Kuczmann. Therefore, the coach is hoping for a positive outcome.
"For us it would be a dream if Gordon in the away match in Bonn on 21 December once again sit on the bench would be. But I'll take no chances. Gordon is not ready, we'll have to wait until the new year. We will do not risk too much. "
Sunday in Göttingen (20 clock) will be the national team only as moral support there.
"We want the same without him return to winning ways. This is certainly not easy, but the team has the narrow defeat against Frankfurt sheathes good "is Kuczmann optimistisch.Die" giants "desperately need a victory to stay in the playoff field.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Finial rescued from crash

Cologne --
As quick action was needed: the cathedral architect Bill Bernd corner was discovered at the buttresses of the cathedral at about 45 meters high, a crack - just in the cross-head of a large flower spire.
"Imminent danger", thought cathedral architect Barbara Schock-Werner. "The top weighs close to 300 pounds. We can not imagine would runtergekippt from any of the autumn storms.
You would have crashed through the roof of the chapel of St. Mary, would have to meet people or priceless works of art such as the Lochner-altar. "
So the thing had to immediately down from the cathedral. A Cologne heavy logistics built around eight in the morning on a crane at the clock through the Roman Germanic Museum, a carrying basket was assembled and then everything went quite hastily: Two hours later, the "corpus delicti" in Hüttenhof was already down.
"On closer inspection, we found that the tip had already been secured with a dowel," says Schock-Werner. Nevertheless, it was right for shooting down it. "Now the point is being restored. When she returns to the cathedral, is not fixed yet.